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The Diastasis Recti
and Pelvic Floor Rehab Course

The   Diastaisis and Pelvic Floor Rehab Course is an 8 week in person and online course designed to retrain your deep abdominal muscles and pelvic floor so that you stop leaking when you sneeze and stop feeling like your abdominal muscles aren't working properly.

The course focuses on rebuilding strength, function and well-being from the inside out.

If you haven't rehabilitated your core muscles after having a baby, it's never too late to start. 

If your child is 6 weeks old or 20+  years old, you can still see improvements with the proper exercises and techniques, nutrition and caring for your body.


If you have symptoms of impaired pelvic floor function or feel like your stomach is soft like jelly no matter how many sit ups you try to do, then this course will teach you what you need to know and give you on the right tools to heal yourself.


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This course is for you if you want to:

  • You want to heal your abdominal separation (or Diastasis)

  • You want to flatten and tone up your your stomach.

  • Stop leaking now and prevent starting to leak with menopause.

  • Get rid of backaches and painful hips. 

  • Get  strong and stable abdominals and core muscles

  • Get Fit after birth with SAFE and EFFECTIVE exercises.

  •  Feel strong so that you can carry your baby without hurting yourself.

The next course starts at Nemus in Arendal
the 25th of August  at 10.30am

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Awesome Mamma's getting Great Results 

Having a baby is one of the greatest challenges a woman's body can go through. 


Your body has had to constantly adapt and change throughout pregnancy and the birth process (however that happened for you).



It is crazy to expect your body to just "bounce back" as if nothing much has happened.


Your pelvic floor and deep core abdominal muscles often need specialized exercises using the right techniques to heal correctly.



A mummy tummy is often a sign that your deep inner core muscles are crying out for this extra help as they are unable to support your internal organs properly. 


Mums often notice that their stomach looks flatter when they are lying down, but pooches out when they stand up as their uterus and bladder press out against the weakened abdominal muscles.


The Mummy Tummy Rehab course is designed to help you discover the underlying causes of this weakness, correct it and begin to rebuild strength in your muscles. 


This course is safe for you if you have had a cesarean section or you have prolapse.

All participants will be pre-screened and if appropriate you will be advised to consult with a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist before beginning training.


I believe that every mum needs and deserves this deep level of care and attention after having a baby and that is why I have developed the Mummy Tummy Rehab course.

Meet Your Coach:

Maritza Linzey is a Fitness Coach and Personal Trainer with over 25 years experienece in teaching Health and Fitness.

She specialises in working with mums who want to rehabilitate and restore strength and function to their core and pelvic floor after giving birth.

She holds specialist qualifications in Postnatal Fitness and Postpartum Corrective Exercise.

Maritza Linzey Personal trainer and postnatal fitness and correcitve exercise specialist
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Course Contents:

The Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Rehab course has two parts. 


There is a weekly in-person exercise class, where we use weights, resistance bands and body weight exercises to train the deep inner abdominal muscles and pelvic floor, as well as the rest of your body. 


There is also an online component to the course, which you can access in your own time. 

Each week the online course will cover a different topic with exercises, nutrition and more in-depth information to support what we are learning in class. 


The classes are in Norwegian, with English in the online portal.



In the course you will learn:

  • How to eat for energy, to promote healing and hormone balance

  •  How to correctly connect with and train your pelvic floor and deep core muscles.

  •  Weekly at home exercises to fast track your results.

  • How to reset Your posture and avoid back pain after pregnancy.

  • How to get rid of the lower belly pooch

  •  A Special module for c-section mums to promote healing and full recovery.

  • You will be checked for abdominal separation (Diastasis)and learn the best way to recover for Your body.

  • Learn why some mums suffer from leaking and how to get rid of it.



Weeks 1-4 are your foundation content.


Week one: Connect and Breathe.

Mums often feel disconnected from their abdominal and deep inner core muscles after giving birth. This first week is all about tuning back into Your body and reconnecting with it.


Week Two: All about Your pelvic floor.


What are Kegels and reverse Kegels and how to do them properly?

Do you have a tight pelvic floor or a weak pelvic floor- which are you more likely to have and what exercise strategy is going to work best for Your body?



Week Three: Reset Your Posture.


If you are you still stuck in the sway back pregnancy posture or you have you gone the other way and started rounding forwards then you will love this week!



Week Four: The Lower Belly Pooch

What causes it and how to start to get rid of it! Flatter stomach's here we come.



In Weeks 5-8 we build strength using the techniques from the foundation content.



Week five:  How to avoid getting "Mum Butt" or Flatt Butt Syndrome.



Week Six: Nutrition


How and what to eat for increased energy, better healing and to help your hormones balance for faster results.


Week Seven: Sleep and Hydration.


Such important topics for mums, as sleep disruption affects Your Health and wellbeing. 



Week Eight: Strategies for a tight chest and sore upper back muscles.


All that holding, cuddling, feeding and carrying takes its toll on Your body so this week is all about releasing tension and strengthening Your back.




The class meets once a week, over 8 weeks and each session will last for approximately 45 minutes.

Please note that while you are welcome to bring your baby to training, they will not be used as part of the exercises.


If you are sick of looking like you are still pregnant and feeling disconnected with your tummy, then this course is for you.



If you are suffering from an achy back and hips, this course will help you to start to rebuild your strength and rebalance Your body.



If you leak (even a little) and don't know where to start to get rid of it, this course will teach you what you need to know.

What the Mums say about this course:

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Jeg var utrent, hadde vonde knær og 12 kg for mye på kroppen etter 2 svangerskap. Jeg følte meg stiv i kroppen og hadde lite energi.

Det var veldig godt å komme i gang med trening og jeg  gleder meg til hver onsdag!!

Jeg har fått igjen lysten til å trene og ser at alt hjelper. Maritza er flink til forklare og passer på at vi gjør øvelsene riktig! Det er veldig bra at hun går rundt og hjelper oss, hun ser også hva hver og en av oss bør jobbe mere med!

Jeg vil på det sterkeste anbefale alle nybakte mødre å starte trening med Maritza.


Før jeg begynt å trene med Maritza, hadde jeg mye vondt og  problemer med lekkasje og var veldig sliten.

Nå har jeg nesten ingen lekkasje og kroppen spiller mer på lag med meg. Jeg får ikke så mye vondt når jeg er i aktivitet.

Maritza er hyggelig, blid og tålmodig og flink til å forklare

Trening med Maritza var bedre enn forvented og jeg fikk mye hjelp.

Jeg tror at det er virkelig verdt pengene. Kroppen min fungerer mye bedre etter trening med Maritza.


Maritza kunne se hva jeg trengt å jobbe med.

Målet mitt var å styrke mage, ryggen og skuldrene, og jeg har oppnådd et bra resultat.
Jeg likte at vi begynte forsiktig og økte på.
Jeg ble mer bevist om hvordan jeg bruker kroppen og har fått bedre holdning og klarer mer i hverdagen


The Mummy Tummy Rehab course is available at Nemus in Arendal,  Aust Agder, Norway.

Click Here for a Map


 8 Week Sterk Mammakropp course  : Kr 2,800

Payable at Nemus in Arendal.

Course Dates

Nemus Arendal:

Start date:  Wednesday the 25st of August 2022 at 10.30 am

You must have had your 6 week doctors checkup to participate in this course. 

Places are limited to 6 mums per course- sign up now to secure your place.

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